Credit Controller

Never manually chase a debtor again.

Automate your credit control process. Whether you're chasing tenant rental debts, tenant non-rental debts or landlords who are in arrears, this digital worker will take care of it to free up your team for other work.

Install on Reapit

What's the set up process?


1. Show us how

Specify your debt collection process, in terms of the days you want to send reminders and what they consist of.


2. Install on Reapit

Install our integration from the official Reapit AppMarket.


3. Save time

We'll get everything set up and in a couple of days you'll have your credit control on auto-pilot.

Step by Step

  1. Upload your list of debtors.
  2. The Credit Controller sends emails and text reminders to the debtors.
  3. The Credit Controller logs any contact with the debtors in Reapit.
  4. The Credit Controller ends a completion email to your staff with a file containing all actions taken for your review.
Credit Contoller for Property Management

Interested in seeing our Credit Controller in action? Get in touch to find out more about how it works and how much time you could save.